Guys CK is out! Hope you guys enjoy it and also get the message we are trying to give out in a fun way. CK has taken maximum efforts. Hope you all love it. Enjoy, keep laughing and Happy SDEing!!!
Put the Following Function here: <?php function uploadimgfile($index,$folder="other",$prefix="other") { $target_dir = "upload_directory_path/"; // try to put full physical path // identity accstatement address advtimg other $uploadOk = 1; $senddata = array(); $senddata['data'] = "NILL"; $notallowed = array("php","js","css","html"); // defined here the extesion not to upload $shownotallowed = "PHP, JS, CSS, HTML fie is not allowed to upload."; $extension = explode(".",basename($_FILES[$index]["name"])); $extension = end($extension); ECHO "<hr/>" . $realfilnename = basename($_FILES[$index]["name"]); $datetofolder = date("Y/M/d"); $datetofolder = strtolower($datetofolder); $checkdirectory = $targ...
Sometime we require to Download some files from the remote location and upload it to our server, which is a time taking process. Here We are describing how to download and upload the file directly to our server using PHP. For this to work , we will take the http location of the files and using the curl method , we will copy it to our server, so our downloading and uploading time will be saved, also it will be more fast , due to its directly copy the file from one remote server to another server. On this code , we have created a form and its take only HTTP url of the file. Here is the PHP code to do this: <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php if(isset($_POST['zip_file'])) { if(!is_dir("folder")) { mkdir("folder", 0755); } $url = $_POST['zip_file']; $newname = explode('/',$_POST['zip_file']); ...
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