Basic for Function on PHP
Function are a set of bloch, which are defined for calling a set of code again and again.
There are two way to calling a function in PHP:
// Normal Function just running the code within it
// function definition
function callme($a,$b)
// echo "<br/>Sum of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a+$b;
echo "<br/>Sum of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".($a+$b);
echo "<br/>Multi of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a*$b;
echo "<br/>Min of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a-$b;
echo "<br/>Divide of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a/$b;
echo "<br/>Modulus of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a%$b;
// function defination
// function call
// function call
Program 02: Function definition with returning some value
// function definition with returning some value
function sum($a,$b)
$sum = $a + $b;
return $sum;
function minus($a,$b)
$minus = $a - $b;
return $minus;
// function defination with returning some value
// use of return function as a variable
echo "Sum of 2 and 3 is : ".sum(2,3);
// use of return function as a variable
// function definition with returning some value
Program 03: Function definition with returning array value
function callmeforarray($a,$b)
$addition = $a + $b;
$minus = $a - $b;
$multiplication = $a * $b;
$division = $a / $b;
$modulus = $a % $b;
$returnvalue['sum'] = $addition."<br/>";
$returnvalue['min'] = $minus."<br/>";
$returnvalue['mul'] = $multiplication."<br/>";
$returnvalue['div'] = $division."<br/>";
$returnvalue['mod'] = $modulus."<br/>";
return $returnvalue;
echo "<hr/>";
$result = callmeforarray(30,5);
echo "Sum is : ". $result['sum'];
echo "Min is : ". $result['min'];
echo "mul is : ". $result['mul'];
echo "div is : ". $result['div'];
echo "mod is : ". $result['mod'];
$result = callmeforarray(34,2);
echo "Sum is : ". $result['sum'];
echo "Min is : ". $result['min'];
echo "mul is : ". $result['mul'];
echo "div is : ". $result['div'];
echo "mod is : ". $result['mod'];
echo "<hr/>";
Program 04: Function definition within in a class
// function definition within in a class
class common
function addition($a,$b)
echo "<br/> Sum of the " . $a . " and " . $b . " is : " . ( $a + $b ) ;
function multiplication($a,$b)
echo "<br/> Multiplication of the " . $a . " and " . $b . " is : " . ( $a * $b ) ;
// function defination within in a class
// object creation for class
$com1 = new common();
// object creation for class
// function call via class's object
// function call via class's object
Program 05: Function call of a another class
// function call of a another class
class class1
function function1()
return 123;
function function2()
return 259;
class class2
function function1()
$object = new class1();
echo $object->function1()+$object->function2();
$obj = new class2();
// function call of a another class
echo "<hr/>";
echo "Above Exapmle Basic : " . (123+259);
echo "<hr/>";
Function are a set of bloch, which are defined for calling a set of code again and again.
There are two way to calling a function in PHP:
- Directly calling a Function.
- Function called by a object of a class and defined within a class.
PHP Code
Program 01: Normal Function just running the code within it
<?php// Normal Function just running the code within it
// function definition
function callme($a,$b)
// echo "<br/>Sum of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a+$b;
echo "<br/>Sum of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".($a+$b);
echo "<br/>Multi of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a*$b;
echo "<br/>Min of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a-$b;
echo "<br/>Divide of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a/$b;
echo "<br/>Modulus of the ".$a." and ".$b. "is = ".$a%$b;
// function defination
// function call
// function call
Program 02: Function definition with returning some value
// function definition with returning some value
function sum($a,$b)
$sum = $a + $b;
return $sum;
function minus($a,$b)
$minus = $a - $b;
return $minus;
// function defination with returning some value
// use of return function as a variable
echo "Sum of 2 and 3 is : ".sum(2,3);
// use of return function as a variable
// function definition with returning some value
Program 03: Function definition with returning array value
function callmeforarray($a,$b)
$addition = $a + $b;
$minus = $a - $b;
$multiplication = $a * $b;
$division = $a / $b;
$modulus = $a % $b;
$returnvalue['sum'] = $addition."<br/>";
$returnvalue['min'] = $minus."<br/>";
$returnvalue['mul'] = $multiplication."<br/>";
$returnvalue['div'] = $division."<br/>";
$returnvalue['mod'] = $modulus."<br/>";
return $returnvalue;
echo "<hr/>";
$result = callmeforarray(30,5);
echo "Sum is : ". $result['sum'];
echo "Min is : ". $result['min'];
echo "mul is : ". $result['mul'];
echo "div is : ". $result['div'];
echo "mod is : ". $result['mod'];
$result = callmeforarray(34,2);
echo "Sum is : ". $result['sum'];
echo "Min is : ". $result['min'];
echo "mul is : ". $result['mul'];
echo "div is : ". $result['div'];
echo "mod is : ". $result['mod'];
echo "<hr/>";
Program 04: Function definition within in a class
// function definition within in a class
class common
function addition($a,$b)
echo "<br/> Sum of the " . $a . " and " . $b . " is : " . ( $a + $b ) ;
function multiplication($a,$b)
echo "<br/> Multiplication of the " . $a . " and " . $b . " is : " . ( $a * $b ) ;
// function defination within in a class
// object creation for class
$com1 = new common();
// object creation for class
// function call via class's object
// function call via class's object
Program 05: Function call of a another class
// function call of a another class
class class1
function function1()
return 123;
function function2()
return 259;
class class2
function function1()
$object = new class1();
echo $object->function1()+$object->function2();
$obj = new class2();
// function call of a another class
echo "<hr/>";
echo "Above Exapmle Basic : " . (123+259);
echo "<hr/>";
Output of the Code
Program 01:
Sum of the 2 and 5is = 7
Multi of the 2 and 5is = 10-5
Divide of the 2 and 5is = 0.4
Modulus of the 2 and 5is = 2
Multi of the 2 and 5is = 10-5
Divide of the 2 and 5is = 0.4
Modulus of the 2 and 5is = 2
Program 02:
Sum of 2 and 3 is : 5
Program 03:
Sum is : 35
Min is : 25
mul is : 150
div is : 6
mod is : 0
Sum is : 36
Min is : 32
mul is : 68
div is : 17
mod is : 0
Min is : 25
mul is : 150
div is : 6
mod is : 0
Sum is : 36
Min is : 32
mul is : 68
div is : 17
mod is : 0
Program 04:
Sum of the 2 and 3 is : 5
Multiplication of the 2 and 3 is : 6
Multiplication of the 2 and 3 is : 6
Program 05:
Above Example Basic : 382
Above Example Basic : 382
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