Logical Expression in PHP

        Today, we will talk about logical expression in PHP.
Syntax of the Logical expression are same as the other Programming languages i.e. C and java.
if Condition:
 run this
if else Condition:
 run this
run this
nested if else Condition:
 run this
else if
 run this
run this

PHP Code

$a = 4;
$b = 5;

// if condition
if( $a > $b ) // if no curly braces is used, then only next line will be executed 
echo " <br/> a is  greater then b ";
echo " <br/> this will not depend on the condition ";
echo " <hr/> ";
if( $a < $b )  
echo " <br/> a is  less then b ";
echo " <br/> this will not depend on the condition ";
echo " <hr/> ";
if( $a > $b ) // if curly braces is used, then next line will also depend on condition 
echo " <br/> a is  greater then b";
echo " <br/> this will also depend on the condition ";
echo " <br/> this will also depend on the condition ";
echo " <hr/> ";

if( $a < $b )
echo " <br/> a is  less then b ";
echo " <br/> this will also depend on the condition ";
echo " <br/> this will also depend on the condition ";

echo " <hr/> ";

// if else condition
if  (  $a > $b )
echo " <br/> A is Greator then B ";
echo " <br/> A is not Greator then B ";



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