
Function Oriented File Upload PHP

Put the Following Function here: <?php function uploadimgfile($index,$folder="other",$prefix="other") { $target_dir  = "upload_directory_path/";  // try to put full physical path  // identity accstatement address advtimg other $uploadOk = 1; $senddata = array(); $senddata['data'] = "NILL"; $notallowed = array("php","js","css","html");  // defined here the extesion not to upload $shownotallowed = "PHP, JS, CSS, HTML fie is not allowed to upload."; $extension = explode(".",basename($_FILES[$index]["name"])); $extension = end($extension); ECHO "<hr/>" . $realfilnename = basename($_FILES[$index]["name"]); $datetofolder = date("Y/M/d"); $datetofolder = strtolower($datetofolder); $checkdirectory = $targ...

Increase Post Limit on Wordpress

Just open the wp-config.php and Add the Following variable at start. define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M'); *************

Page Unload Show Notification to user

<script>       jQuery("body").append("<div style='background-color: #f5f5f5; position: fixed; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; z-index: 99999;display:none;opacity: 0.8;' id='pageloader'><img src='' style='top: 50%; left: 50%; max-width: 30px; position: fixed;' /></div>"); jQuery(window).on('beforeunload', function(){ jQuery("#pageloader").css("display","block"); }); </script>

Help Content for Registration form using CSS

Here , I am describing a help content for a registration fields. Some Time we have to make a registration form, where we want to show some information about the Input fields. Here, I am making a tooltip using CSS and HTML. Company Name

Remote File Download and upload directly to Server using PHP

Sometime we require to Download some files from the remote location and upload it to our server, which is a time taking process. Here We are describing how to download and upload the file directly to our server using PHP. For this  to work , we will take the http location of the files and using the curl method , we will copy it to our server, so our downloading and uploading time will be saved, also it will be more fast , due to its directly copy the file from one remote server to another server. On this code , we have created a form and its take only HTTP url of the file. Here is the PHP code to do this: <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php if(isset($_POST['zip_file'])) { if(!is_dir("folder")) { mkdir("folder", 0755); } $url = $_POST['zip_file']; $newname = explode('/',$_POST['zip_file']); ...

How to Import the Demo Content

Important:   You have purchased a WordPress theme, and not the example content as seen in the theme demo. You are more than welcome to import the example content into your site to help you get going, but the images can not be used on a live site, nor redistributed. What you need to do is follow the instructions that are taken from the  Importing Content  page from the WordPress website. To import from a WordPress export file into your blog follow these steps. How to Use the XML File to Import the Demo Site's Content Log into your site as an administrator. Make sure you activated your new theme before proceeding. Go to Tools → Import Choose "WordPress" from the list. Upload the demo content .xml using the form provided on that page. You will be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the blog. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on the blog or to create a new user. You will then have the choice to import attachments, so click on the ...

Replace a specific keyword on all files name in a folder

Suppose, we have to change some keyword within a folder for all files name. For that I have written a small program, Its take a folder name and take all the files's name of the folder in the array, and we replace the specific keyword with the word, we want there.  Follow the program for the code, you just need to change the first three variable of the code. See Live Example here <?php $dir = 'rename4folder';   // folder path within this file, If are nor sure about the location, just use the full Physical URL of the folder $replacekeyword  = 'replace';  // name to be replaced $replacewith  = 'with';  // name with this the name replacerd $files = scandir($dir); if(is_array($files)) { foreach($files as $single) { $newsingle = str_replace($replacekeyword,$ replacewith,$single); if(($single!=".")&&($single!=" ..")) ...